One of the really cool things I like about the workflow documented in Juan Treminio’s blog post is the ability to setup auto-build in Docker Hub. Unfortunately, that comes at a cost. Docker Hub’s ‘free’ account option will support only one parallel auto-build, so if you have more than one project you’d like to auto-build at Docker Hub you’ll need to pay for an account. The current cost is, I think, $7/month for an account that will handle up to 5 parallel auto-build projects. That’s not horrible, but for now I just have this one project with a few more that are on-the-horizon. So, in the case of this blog I’m going to bypass auto-build and just document the process I’ll use to update and push this blog to production. I touched on it in my previous post and pertinent portions of that post are reproduced here…

I created a new Docker Hub repository and pushed the image created in Juan’s Manual deployment process steps to that repository. I started by creating a new Docker Hub repository with the same name as my project, blogs-McFateM. An important note: Docker Hub will not accept uppercase letters in repository names, so as you can see above, I converted all uppercase to lowercase. The result of this step, for me, was an empty

The remaining steps in my ‘emergency-push’ process were all run from my local machine, with a terminal open to my project directory. The necessary commands were:

docker image build -t hugo-test .     # <-- executed from my project directory, builds a new up-to-date image
docker login
docker tag hugo-test mcfatem/blogs-mcfatem:latest
docker push mcfatem/blogs-mcfatem:latest

A little explanation of the commands…

  • docker login - Requests your Docker Hub account credentials so that your terminal session can communicate with Docker Hub.

  • docker tag... - Essentially renames your local image, the one created previously as hugo-test, to match your account and project name. In my case the account is mcfatem, my Docker Hub username, and the project is blogs-McFateM.

  • docker push... - This command pushes the newly renamed image to your Docker Hub repository, and tags the image as :latest. This last part, the ‘latest’ tag, is important because early on we set Traefik up on our production server to look for images tagged as ‘latest’. If you give your image a different tag, it won’t work properly.

Assuming all of the above worked properly, I should now have a fresh Docker ‘image’ of this blog tagged as :latest in Docker Hub and waiting to be deployed. What’s still hella cool about this whole process is that Watchtower is still watching and is NOT dependent upon auto-build. So, within a few minutes of my docker push... command my live blog is automagically updated!

And that’s a wrap. Until next time…