Updates to VAF-Kiosk
On Thursday, August 26, 2021, updates to a new iPad destined for the VAF (Visualizing Abolition and Freedom) installing in the Grinnell’s HSSC were completed. As of this writing the iPad has not been re-installed, but Facilities Management has been contacted to schedule that event soon.
New DigitalOcean Deployment
Due to small differences between the aspect ratio and resolution of the old versus new devices, the kiosk site had to be re-designed. Changes were also necessary to help ensure that users of the kiosk could not “escape” from the VAF screens and cause havoc by surfing the internet. As a result, a new private https://github.com/Digital-Grinnell/vafvaf-kiosk repository was created and eventually deployed for kiosk use ONLY via DigitalOcean’s App platform. The new kiosk site is deployed to https://vaf-kiosk-2021-xjmpc.ondigitalocean.app/.
Note that the README.md
document in the new private repo is woefully outdated.
New Analytics
It should also be noted that the new deployment includes an updated Google Analytics v4 tracking code, and that analytics are available, with valid login credentials, at https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/?authuser=1#/p284309057/reports/reportinghub.
And that’s a wrap. Until next time…