Another Alma Dedup Mystery
This is a copy of an email I dispatched regarding bulk import of DG objects using the Alma Digital Uploader…
Summary: Be VERY CAREFUL when populating the dcterms:bibliographicCitation
field! Apparently, Alma uses that field to help identify dedup matches, and if it causes a cascading, or “multiple match” condition, the object WILL NOT IMPORT.
This came to light with one of the objects you can see at,contains,Save%20CR%20Heritage%20(, and with ingest of the object you can see at
All 6 of these objects had a dcterms:bibliographicCitation
value of “Save CR Heritage (”. I’m not a cataloger, but I suspect that is not where that data should be.
Presumably, that match combined with portions of the title and publisher created a “cascading” dedup so the record would not stick.
I fixed this by moving the dcterms:bibliographicCitation
value of “Save CR Heritage (” into a dcterms:isPartOf.dcterms:URI
field where I think it belongs.
I’d like to suggest that all the objects in this new collection that have a dcterms:bibliographicCitation
value should be reviewed and those values probably moved to the dcterms.isPartOf.dcterms.URI
field or elsewhere.